Monday, April 6, 2009

Children's Update: Sweeny

We focused on flying high during March preschool storytimes. We made kites and other crafts, but the highlight was blowing bubbles behind the library. The children had a great time, and the staff enjoyed trying out the bubbles before the program began. April will feature wiggly tales, and some turtles will be coming for a visit.

Kids' Club was a great success! We built kites and then went across the street to see the big kites fly. Everyone had a wonderful time. Next month, we're having slithery specimens.

We are preparing for National Library Week and will have lots of goodies to give away. We'll also have a display.

The Sweeny Christian School brought their first through fifth graders for a tour.

I spoke at Career Day at Sweeny Junior High. I used the opportunity to show the students some of the new books we have. I also asked what kinds of programs they would like to see at the library, and we hope to implement some of those ideas.

We are having a special Native American Crafts event on April 29. We also have a display to celebrate the PBS documentary series "We Shall Remain." The display has gotten a lot of attention.

Summer reading club is planned, and we're working on programs for August.

Leslie, branch manager

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